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起订: 1
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所在地: 广东 佛山市
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最后更新: 2011-07-22 10:05
浏览次数: 332
铁基非晶CD型磁芯 Iron-based Amorphous cut core 应用领域Application fields: *高频大功率开关电源中的输出滤波电抗器 Output filter or inductor in high frequency large power supplies *中高频开关电源变压器 Mid-frequency and high frequency switch mode power transformer *某些不间断电源中的主变压器。 性能特点 Characteristics: 高饱和磁感应强度—减小铁芯体积 High saturate induction—reducing core volume 矩形结构—便于线圈装配 Rectangular form—easy to mount coils 铁芯开口—优良的抗直流偏置饱和能力 With air gap—excellent anti-bias current ability 低损耗—减小温升 (是硅钢的1/5-1/10) Low core loss—low temperature rise 良好的稳定性—可在-55~130°C长时间工作 Good stability—can work at -55 to 130°C 性能指标Properties: 饱和磁感Bs Saturate induction Bs 1.56T 硬度 Hv Hardness Hv 960kg/mm2 居里温度 Curie temperature 399°C 密度 Density 7.18g/cm3 晶化温度 Crystallization temperature 550°C 电阻率 Resistivity 130mW-cm 饱和磁致伸缩系数 Saturate megnetostriction 27´10-6 产品规格 Specifications: 产品编码说明:CA China Amorphous CC Cut Core 10………. Code 产品牌号 Product No. 铁芯尺寸 Dimension (mm) 有效截面积 Cross section (cm2) 磁路长度 Length (cm) 重量 Mass (g) A B C D CACC4 32.8 10 9 15 1.11 12.2 99 CACC6.3 33 11 10 20 1.6 12.8 154 CACC8 30 13 11 20 1.8 13 172 CACC10 40 13 11 20 1.8 15.4 198 CACC16A 40 13 11 25 2.3 15.1 248 CACC16B 50 13 11 25 2.3 17 281 CACC20 50 15 11 30 2.7 17.5 337 CACC25 56 15 13 25 2.7 19.6 379 CACC32 56 15 13 30 3.2 20 454 CACC40 56 20 13 35 3.7 19.9 530 CACC50 70 20 16 25 3.3 24.9 586 CACC63 70 20 16 30 3.9 25.3 703 CACC80 70 20 16 40 5.2 25.4 938 CACC100 70 20 16 45 5.9 25 1055 CACC168S 154 30 20.4 20 3.35 45.4 1101 CACC125 83 25 19 35 5.5 30.2 1166 CACC160 83 25 19 40 6.2 28.5 1333 CACC200 83 25 19 50 7.8 29.8 1666 CACC367s 97 67 25.8 25 5.29 43.78 1668 CACC250 90 25 19 60 9.3 31.4 2095 CACC320 85 35 22 50 9 32.5 2167 CACC400 85 35 22 65 11.7 33.6 2817 CACC500 85 40 25 55 11.3 35.6 2890 CACC630 85 40 25 70 14.3 35.6 3678 CACC800A 85 40 25 85 17.4 35.6 4466 CACC800B 95 40 30 85 21 39.3 5972 CACC1000 105 40 33 85 23 42.7 7109 注:可根据客户要求,设计制作其他规格磁芯尺寸和性能 Note: Cores with other specifications are available concerning customer’s demand.
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