·Low cost inductors.
·Used in many high frequency applications.
·Wound to customer`s specifications.
·Frequency up to 1 GHz.
·Rated current can be up to 50 Amps.
·Satellite communication systems.
·Microwave equipment.
·Television circuits.
·AM/FM radio receivers / transmitters.
·Test equipment.
·Band pass filters.
SC 0.5 ×4.5 ×3.5T - □ R
1 2 3 4 5 6
1. Type: Air spring & adhibit coil 产品类型
2. Wire Gauge 导线规格
3. Inner diameter 线圈孔径
4. Number of turns 圈数
5. lead length 导线长度
6. Winding direction绕线方向: R顺时针: R is Clockwise. L逆时针: L is Counter Clockwise.