

单价: 面议
起订: 1
发货期限: 自买家付款之日起 23 天内发货
所在地: 江苏 南京市
有效期至: 长期有效
最后更新: 2012-07-18 19:43
浏览次数: 148
AIRFLEX离合器,AIRFLEX刹车,AIRFLEX弹簧式离合器,AIRFLEX压缩式离合器,AIRFLEX水冷式离合器 德美思机电(南京)有限公司优惠供应美国AIRFLEX离合器,AIRFLEX刹车,AIRFLEX弹簧式离合器,AIRFLEX压缩式离合器,AIRFLEX水冷式离合器。Airflex是FAWICK离合器的原制造商,在工业离合器和刹车市场具有很高的知名度。AIRFLEX刹车/离合器设计理念:出众的性能,较高的寿命,最佳的质量。AIRFLEX基于40年的生产和设计经验,为了提供更好的动力传动系统,AIRFLEX不断创新,满足客户各种需要。 Airflex 的总部设在美国 Cleveland, OH ,产品主要包括刹车和离合器,并分为以下种类型: 压缩式离合器/刹车: CB, CM, VC系列扩张式刹车和离合器: e, eb, er, ve系列油冷式/气冷式多片离合器/刹车: ar, as, sb, sc系列气冷式盘形刹车/离合器: dba, dbb, dbbs, dc系列离合器/刹车组合: cbc, dcb, fspa系列弹簧式离合器: cs, cte系列钳式离合器/刹车: dp, h系列水冷式离合器: WCB2 and WCBD, WCS, WCSB系列 CB4000 CB Element CBC16100 CBC Clutch/Brake Combination CM21000 CM Element CS8000 Spring Applied Drum Brake CTE8070 Spring Applied Drum Brake DBA8080.6 DBA Disc Centering Adjustment - Vertical Swing Motor Applications DBA8082 229DBA Model "494" Disc Centering Option DBB8100 Spring Applied Disc Brake DBB8104 DBB Brake With Corrosion Resistant Components DC20000 DC Element EB7000 EB and ER Element GC15100 Eaton/Geislinger Damping Torsional Flexible Coupling M-103-A SC Operation and Construction M-103-B SC and SA Installation and Mounting Instructions M-103-C Magn e tic Clutches - Maintenance and Service Instructions PP3000 FSPA Applications RS9010 AA2, B2, B3, C2 Rotorseal RS9030 RH Rotorseal RS9040 RS 9040 Rotorseal Models AD ADP BP and FDA RS9070 BT Rotorseal TRS3064 Timing Rotorseal and Cam Limit Switch 4.0 Parts Timing Rotorseal (TRS) Parts List Cam Limit Sw Cam Limit Switch Exploded View Drawing and Parts List VC5000 VC Element VC5001 VC Grinding Mill Clutches WC11050 WCB Water Cooled Tensioners WCB11060 WCB With Corrosion Resistant Components WCS11110 WCS With Corrosion Resistant Components WSB11200 WCSB Brake WCB11070 WCB2 Water Cooled Tensioners CA10000 225DP100 Caliper Brakes
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