

品牌: Eaglerise
额定容量: 15-250kVA
额定电压: 10-36kV
分接范围: ±2×2.5%
单价: 8000.00元/台
起订: 10 台
供货总量: 2000 台
发货期限: 自买家付款之日起 45 天内发货
所在地: 广东 佛山市
有效期至: 长期有效
最后更新: 2014-07-19 15:49
浏览次数: 285
伊戈尔电气股份有限公司生产的单相箱式变压器 (single-phase pad-mounted distribution transformer,Caja de tipo transformador monofásico,10kVA~150kVA up to 36kV) 将传统变压器集中设计在箱式壳体中,具有体积小、重量轻、低噪声、低损耗、高可靠性等特点,广泛应用于住宅小区、商业中心、车站、机场、厂矿、企业、医院、学校等场所。   组合式变压器(俗称美式箱变也叫箱式变压器)是将变压器、高压受电部分的负荷开关及保护装置、低压配电装置、低压计量系统和无功补偿装置组合在一起的成套变配电设备。  组合式变压器主要特点:   全密封、全绝缘、结构紧凑、外形美观,体积仅为箱式变电站(欧式箱变)的1/3左右。无须配电房,可直接安放在室内或室外,也可安放在街道两旁和绿化带内,可靠地保证了人身安全,既是供电设施,又可装点环境。   组合式变压器可用于终端供电和环网供电,转换十分方便,保证了供电的可靠性、灵活性。   采用双熔丝全范围保护方式,大大降低了运行成本。   10kV套管电缆头可在200A负荷电流下多次插拔,在紧急情况下作负荷开关使用,并具有隔离开关的特点。    组合式变压器采用国内9型、11型配电变压器,损耗低,噪音低,使用寿命长。 联系人 (Contact person):石先生 Mr. Brian Stone Sr. Brian Stone 手机 (Mobile):+86-18664254800 座机 (Tel):+86-0757-82523556 传真 (Fax):+86-757-82523550 邮箱 (E-mail):brianstone@eaglerise.com 网址 (Website):http://www.eaglerise.com 地址 (Add):广东省佛山市南海区简平路桂城科技园A3号  Eaglerise Electric & Electronic (China) Co., Ltd. produces single-phase pad mounted transformer (10kVA 150kVA up to 36 kV) to the traditional transformer centralized design of box-type housing, has small size, light weight, low noise, low-loss, high reliability, and are widely used in the residential district, commercial center, stations, airports, factories, mines, businesses, hospitals, schools and other places. The modular transformers (commonly known as the American box, also known as the box-type transformer) by transformers, high voltage electrical part load switching and protection devices, low-voltage power distribution equipment, low pressure metering system and reactive power compensation device combinations together complete change with power equipment. The modular transformers (commonly known as the American box) Features:Fully sealed, fully insulated, compact structure, beautiful appearance, the volume is only about 1/3 of the box-type substation (European box change). Without power distribution room, can be placed directly in the indoor or outdoor, can also be placed on both sides of the streets and the green belt and reliable to ensure personal safety, both the power supply facilities, but also decorate the environment. The modular transformers (commonly known as the American box also called box-type transformer) can be used for terminal power supply and ring network power supply, very convenient conversion to ensure the reliability of supply, flexibility.Full range of dual-fuse protection, greatly reduce operating costs. 10kV bushing cable head multiple plug 200A load current, load switch in an emergency, and has the characteristics of the isolation switch. The modular transformers (commonly known as the American box also called box-type transformer) using domestic type, 11-type distribution transformers, low loss, low noise, and long service life.
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