

单价: 6000.00元/台
起订: 1 台
供货总量: 1000 台
发货期限: 自买家付款之日起 45 天内发货
所在地: 广东 佛山市
有效期至: 长期有效
最后更新: 2013-11-26 09:22
浏览次数: 264
伊戈尔电气股份有限公司生产的三相油浸式配电变压器分为S9、S11、S13三种系列。   S9系列6.3~2500kVA三相油浸式配电变压器分全密封型和带油枕型两种,适用于10kV级、50Hz或60Hz输配电系统,可供居民区、商业街道、工矿企业和农村动力及照明之用。   S11系列三相油浸式配电变压器分全密封型和带油枕型两种,适用于6kV级、10kV级的输配电系统,可供工厂、矿山、石油化工及工农业的配电、动力及照明使用。本系列产品较S9系列同规格产品空载损耗低,空载电流也有下降,节能效果显著。另外,噪声水平符合国家环保政策,可称之为节能环保型变压器。   S13系列产品广泛用于10kV级配电系统,采用三角立体型卷铁芯结构,空载损耗比S11系列产品下降25%,空载电流下降60%~80%,噪音下降30%~40%,节能效果非常显著。具有损耗低、噪音低、外形美观、性能优良、免维护、使用寿命长等优点,是同类产品中新一代高技术、高性能、绿色环保节能产品。      S9 Series have hermetically sealed type and conservator type. This Series (range from 6.3kVA to 2500kVA) are suitable for 10kV class, 50Hz and 60Hz distribution system. It can be widely used in residence, street, factory, countryside lighting and power use. S11 Series have hermetically sealed type and conservator type. This series are applicable to plant, mine, petrol chemical and other power distribution system of 6kV class, 10kVclass for industry and agriculture. Its features save energy remarkably that no-load loss and no-load current are decreased (respectively compared to S9 series). In addition, the noise level is consistent with national environmental policy, to be called energy saving transformer. Employing the three-dimensional triangle wound core structure, S13 series of transformers are featured by fewer loss, lower noise, attractive appearance, good performance, non-maintenance and long service life. Compared with S11 series transformers, their iron loss has been decreased by 25%, no-load current decreased by 60%-80%, noise level reduced by 30%-40%, which resulting in a remarkable energy saving performance. As a result, they find a wide application in 10kV transmission and distribution systems. Among the similar products, S13 series transformers are characterized by high technology, high performance, environment reserving and energy saving properties.
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