伊戈尔电气股份有限公司生产的SC(B)10系列树脂绝缘干式电力变压器产品,性能符合IEC726、GB6450、GB/T10228-1997标准,在国际上处于先进水平,具有损耗低、体积小、重量轻、噪声低、防潮、耐污、抗裂、阻燃、过载能力强和局放小(局部放电小于10PC)等优点。本产品可广泛用于输变电系统、宾馆、饭店、高层建筑、商业中心、体育场馆、石化工厂、地铁、车站、机场、海上钻台等场所,特别适合于负荷中心和具有特殊防火要求的场所。 SC(B)10 series cast resin power transformers are in conformity with stand of IEC726, GB6450, GB/T10228-1997, with features low loss, compact and light weight, low noise, damp-proof, anti-fouling, high mechanical strength, flame resisting, strong overload ability and low partial discharge quality. They are applicable to power transformation and distribution, hotel, restaurant, commercial building, chemical plants, rail station, airport and other heavy load center.