

单价: 面议
起订: 1
发货期限: 自买家付款之日起 23 天内发货
所在地: 广东 深圳市
有效期至: 长期有效
最后更新: 2014-08-19 11:06
浏览次数: 373
交流输出电抗器AC Output Reactor
技术参数Technical Data:
额定电流Rated current    10-800A
额定线电压 rated line voltage <1000V
额定频率Rated Frequency:     50/Hz
电感值公差 Tolerance on inductance   ±5%
冷却方式Cooling method:    natural air or forced air cooling
环境温度Ambient temperature:-5  to +40℃              
绝缘系统Isolation system: B ,F ,H
应用  Applications
1)          破坏电机绝缘性能,长时间会损坏电机;
2)          产生大漏电流,引起变频器频繁保护。
   The inverter output voltage usually has high frequency harmonics. The distributed capacitance will be big if the inverter is far away from the motor, therefore resonance may occur, which may result in:
1)                 Damaging the motor insulation and damaging motor that has been in this status for a long time;
2)                 Big leakage current and make the enter into protective status frequently.
   If the distance between the inverter and the motor is longer than 100m, it is recommended to install the AC output reactor, which connected between the inverter output and the motor, and the reactor shall be as close to the inverter as possible.
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