

品牌: 韩国永昌
单价: 面议
起订: 6000
发货期限: 自买家付款之日起 3 天内发货
所在地: 广东 东莞市
有效期至: 长期有效
最后更新: 2015-03-13 09:49
浏览次数: 2599
YOUNG CHANG SILICONE′s STW-B wire is designed to fulfill the requirement of Class B thermal index. STW-B is the insulated winding wire having reinforced insulation complying with subclause Annex U of IEC 60950 and subclause, Annex U of IEC. STW-B makes a merit of needing no interlayer insulation material such as insulation tape or barrier tape, thereby downsizing transformers a great deal, bringing about high efficiency and cost cutback. Easier to design environmentally friendly transformers which can be easily disassembled and recycled. It is anticipated that Young Chang Silicone′s STW-B will play a role in a widening range of fields.
Ranges of Usage

- Insulation : Reinforced Insulation

- Rated Temperature : 105 ~ 130℃

- Rated Volt : 1,000Vrms(Maximum) 's

- Conductor : 0.20mm ~ 1.0mm(32~18 AWG)

- Solderability : Solderable without stripping'

triple insulation wire

1. Downsizing switching transformers without the use of interlayer insulation materials.

2. Excellent electric insulation properties.

   - UL authorized ″Reinforced Insulation″

   - Electrical strength test : ① Conductor-metal foil test up to 3,000 AC volt for a minute

                                        ② Twist test up to 6,000 AC volt for a minute

3. Reliability for high frequency-voltage stress conditions

   - Suitable for high frequency-voltage from 20 KHz to 500 kHz

   - Low dielectric constant and unique electric properties

   - High abrasion resistance coupled with mechanical strength

4. High efficiency and cost savings.

   - Simplified production method without interlayer insulation tape or barrier tape.

   - Solderable without stripping any surface layer.

Overseas Certification of STW-B

- UL : File No. E242198

- CSA : LR98920

- BSI : BS KM 85875

- TUV : B040553008001

- NEMKO : P04202638

- VDE : 40013359


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