

单价: 面议
起订: 1
发货期限: 自买家付款之日起 23 天内发货
所在地: 广东 珠海市
有效期至: 长期有效
最后更新: 2008-02-28 15:33
浏览次数: 111
华源电子(珠海)有限公司是国内专业研发、生产工业电子用压敏胶粘带厂家之一。总公司位于中国压敏胶带生产基地江苏省无锡市,有生产销售变压器专用胶带有10年的经验,产品广泛用于各类变压器、微电机、汽车及工业电子领域。 公司拥有固定资产500.00万元人民币,员工100余人,其中工程师、研发人员、品管人员15人。 公司拥有二条国际先进涂布技术的生产线,全自动精密切台多台.分卷机、切割机均使用进口原装设备,并配套全套的检测设备对产品进行检测.生产地环境整洁,涂胶工艺在密闭的车间作业,保证产品的质量稳定. 产品由总公司提供高品质的半成品整卷,由珠海工厂依客户要求规格分切,以保证产品的快速交期. 产品均有通过美国UL认证和环保SGS认证 公司是一般纳税人,可开17%的增值税. 专业生产以下产品: 聚酯玛拉胶带、无纺布挡墙胶带、 聚酯亚胺胶带、醋酸布胶带、 铜泊胶带等特殊胶带 我们恪守“质量第一、用户至上、诚信为本”的经营理念,与客户建立长期合作关系为目标,尽量满足客户要求。感谢广大客户一直以来对我公司的信赖与支持,我们将以万分热忱期待与您的合作。 Huayuan Electronics (Zhuhai)Co. Ltd. is one of the companies that specialize in developing and producing pressure-sensitive adhesive in China. The headquarters is located in Wuxi city in Jiangsu Province which is the base for producing pressure-sensitive adhesive in China. The company has engaged in producing and selling transformers for ten years. The products widely fall within the scope of transformers, micro machine, automobiles and industrial electronic. The company holds fixed asset amounted to 500.00billion RMB. There are 100 employees, including 15 engineers, staff for R&D and Quality Assurance. The company has two international-leveled dope technology production line and several auto Precision cut-stand, divide-into-volume machine, cut-off machine use imported original equipment and they are facilitated with test equipment to examine the products. Because production environment is clean and tidy, and gelatinizing process undertakes in airtight shop, the stability of quality is assured. The products are supplied by the headquarters and are cut according to the specification by the customers to guarantee swift consignment. All the products pass the authentication of American UL and Environment Protection SGS The company is an ordinary taxpayer and can draft 17% value-added tax. specialized in the following products: Mylar tape ,non-woven margin tape, Poly-imide tape, acetate cloth tape, Copper foil tape and other special tape. Our goals are long-term relations with our customers.So we are always doing our best to meet customer needs .We think our existing customers for their continued Support.We are looking forward to opportunity of partnership with those we have get to serve in the near future.
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