
供应二手CMD55 CMD 55

单价: 面议
起订: 1
发货期限: 自买家付款之日起 95 天内发货
所在地: 广东 深圳市
有效期至: 长期有效
最后更新: 2008-03-20 10:42
浏览次数: 103
供应二手CMD55 CMD 55 CMD-55综合测试仪 彭先生13825223042 深圳安吉伦电子仪器有限公司 总经理:彭海军 13825223042 QQ: 402996279 E-mail:hj5117@163.com MSN:hj5117@hotmail.com 电话:0755-83251855 传真:0755-83322550 地址:深圳市福田区振华路海外装饰大厦 CMD55产品特点: ·是测量GSM及GSM1800移动电话的紧缩式单元 ·通过RS232,IEC/IEEE远控 ·前面板有多功能连接器 ·话音编码器/解码器可被集成 ·可选择安培表和伏特表 ·高敏感度二级RF输入 ·可改进为GSM、GSM1800及GSM1900测试 CharacteristicsThe CMD52 is a compact unit for testing GSM900 mobiles. The CMD55 is furthermore capable of testing GSM1800 (formerly named PCN orDCS1800) and GSM1900 (formerly named PCS or DCS1900) mobile phones. Both models are favourably priced and combine small dimensions with high measurement accuracy and speed.The testers range of capabilities includes all signalling, generator and measurement functions required for verifying the correct operation of the DUT (Device Under Test). Thanks to its fast go/nogo tests and accurate analysis using optional extensions, CMD52 and CMD55 are equally well suited for R&D, production and high-end service and production.Based on the wide-range know-how of Rohde & Schwarz in digital radiocommunication testing, which not least was obtained in developing type-approval test systems such as the GSM900 and GSM1800 system simulators, both CMD models are top- grade testers for present and future measurement applications.Test capabilitiesTo test mobile phones, the CMD simulates a GSM900, 1800 or 1900 base station. One of the two RF synthesizers available for this purpose delivers a continuous BCCH signal while the other one provides all 8 timeslots for TCH signals.The major test functions are :Mobile synchronizationLocation updateIncoming call setupOutgoing call setupMobile power level controlHandover (channel change, timeslot change)Peak power measurementHigh dynamic range burst analyzer (option CMD-B4 and CMD-B42)Spectrum due to Switching measurement (option CMD-B4 and CMD–B43)Spectrum due to Modulation measurement (option CMD-B4 and CMD–B43Timing Advance measurementSACCH measurement (eg RxLev, RxQual, power level)Echo testCall clearing by mobile phoneCall clearing by CMDDC current/voltage measurementsPhase and frequency error measurement (option CMD-B4)Measurement of power ramping as a function of time (option CMD-B4)Bit-error rate (BER) and Fast BER measurement (option CMD-B4)OperationOperation of the CMDis extremely user-friendly and requires no detailed GSM/PCN knowledge. The high-contrast, backlit LCD provided with softkeys on both sides allows convenient callup of test routines under menu control. Various network-specific parameters are preset and permit direct testing without any operator control. In addition, it is of course possible to modify all parameters individually in the configuration menus.
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